Commit 1ce52c7c authored by Roger Kramer's avatar Roger Kramer
Browse files

user.tex moved into README.rst

parent 3ac5775c
Coming soon...
Table of Contents
- Installation_
- Overview_
- `What is it?`_
- `What is it for?`_
- `What does it do?`_
- `How does it work?`_
- Plugins_
The BDQC framework has no requirements other than Python 3.3.2 or later.
The GCC toolchain is required for installation as some of its
components are C code that must be compiled.
After extracting the archive...
.. code-block:: shell
python3 install
...installs the framework, after which...
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m bdqc.scan <directory>
...will analyze all files in <directory>, and
.. code-block:: shell
python3 -m bdqc.scan --help
...provides further help.
The contents of the online help is not repeated in this document.
_`What is it?`
BDQC is a Python3_ software framework and executable module.
Although it provides built-in capabilities that make it useful "out of the
box", being a "framework" means that users (knowledgeable in Python
programming) can extend its capabilities, and it is designed to
be so extended.
_`What is it for?`
BDQC identifies anomalous files among large collections of files which are
*a priori* assumed to be "similar."
It is intended to:
1. validate primary input data.
2. validate output (or intermediate stages of) data processing pipelines.
3. discover potentially "interesting" outliers.
These use cases merely highlight different sources of anomalies in data.
In the first, anomalies might be due to faulty data handling or acquisition
(e.g. sloppy manual procedures or faulty sensors). In the second, anomalies
might appear in data due to bugs in pipeline software or runtime failures
(e.g. power outages, network unavailablity, etc.). Finally, anomalies that
can't be discounted as being due to technical problems might actually be
"interesting" observations to be followed up in research.
.. In other words, although it was developed as a rapid means of spotting
.. problems in pipelines ("validating" or "QC'ing" data), it can serve
.. the goal of discovery as well.
Although it was developed in the context of genomics research, it is
expressly not tied to a specific knowledge domain. It can, however,
be customized (via the plugin mechanism) for specific knowledge domains.
.. motivated by realization that when faced with thousands of individual
.. files it becomes challenging to even confirm they all contain approximately
.. "what they should."
Importantly, *files* are its fundamental unit of operation.
This means that a file must constitute a meaningful unit of
information--one sample's data, for example--in any
application of BDQC.
.. (for \#3 above to be well-defined).
_`What does it do?`
BDQC analyzes a collection of files in **two stages**.
First, it analyzes each file individually and produces a summary of the
file's content (*within-file* analysis).
Second, a configurable set of heuristics is applied to the aggregated
file summaries (*across-file* analysis) to identify possible anomalies.
BDQC can be run from the command line and command line arguments control
which files are analyzed,
how individual files are analyzed,
how the aggregate file analyses are analyzed.
All command line arguments are optional; the framework will carry out
default actions. See command line help.
Alternatively, the bdqc.Executor Python class can be incorporated directly
into third party Python code. This allows it to be incorporated into
Design goals
The BDQC framework was developed with several explicit goals in mind:
1. Identify an "anomalous" file among a large collection of *similar* files of *arbitrary* type with as little guidance from the user as possible, ideally none. In other words, it should be useful "out of the box" with almost no learning curve.
2. "Simple things should be simple; complex things should be possible" [#]_ Although basic use should involve almost no learning curve, it should be possible to extend it with arbitrarily complex (and possibly domain-specific) analysis capabilities.
3. Plugins should be simple (for a competent Python programmer) to develop, and the system must be robust to faults in plugins.
.. The third goal motivated the use of Python.
_`How does it work?`
This section describes exhaustively how BDQC works internally.
Summary production: within-file analysis
The BDQC *framework* orchestrates the execution of *plugins*.
**All of the within-file analysis capabilities are provided by
plugins** [#]_
That is, the plugins that are executed on a file entirely determine the
content of the summary generated for that file. The framework itself
*never* looks inside a file; only the plugins. The framework:
1. assembles a list of paths identifying files to be analyzed,
2. executes a *dynamically-determined* subset of plugins on each filename,
3. combines the executed plugins' results into (JSON_) summaries for each file.
Plugins are described more fully elsewhere. Here it suffices to understand
that each plugin can declare (as part of its implementation) that it depends
on zero or more other plugins.
The framework:
1. insures that a plugin's dependencies execute before the plugin itself, and
2. each plugin is provided with the results of its dependencies' execution.
Thus, the set of all *candidate* plugins--that is, all plugins installed on
the user's machine [#]_ --constitute an implicit DAG (directed acyclic graph),
and an "upstream" plugin can determine how (or even whether or not) a
downstream plugin is run. The framework minimizes work by only executing a
plugin when required.
By default, the summary for file foo.txt is left in an adjacent file named
Again, the BDQC *framework* does not touch files' content--it only
handles filenames.
Heuristic application: across-file analysis
1. Summary (\*.bdqc) files are collected.
2. The JSON_ content of all files' summaries is *flattened* into a matrix.
3. A specified set of heuristics are applied to the columns of the matrix.
Plugins are described more fully elsewhere. Here it suffices to understand
that a plugin's output can be (*almost*) anything representable as JSON_
data. Since JSON_ is capable of representing complex/compound datatypes,
the individual statistics in plugins' summaries may exist in nested
representations and access to a particular statistic may involve specifying
a *path* through the object. For example, in the following JSON text...
.. code-block:: JSON
"bdqc.builtin.tabular": {
"character_histogram": {
"CHAR": 626324,
"CR": 0,
"LF": 394,
"UTF8/2": 0,
"UTF8/3": 0,
"UTF8/4": 0
"tabledata": {
"aberrant_lines": 0,
"column_count": 6,
"column_separator": "\t",
"columns": [
"labels": [
"max_labels_exceeded": false,
"stats": {
"mean": 0.0,
"labels": [],
"max_labels_exceeded": false,
"stats": {
"mean": 142.454545,
"variance": 57562.872727
"data_lines": 391,
"empty_lines": 0,
"meta_lines": 3,
"metadata_prefix": "#",
"separator_is_regex": false
The mean value of the 2nd column is given by
When summaries are aggregated and "flattened" individual columns in the resulting
matrix are named by such paths.
.. The aggregate analysis consists of a set statistical techniques to
.. identify outliers in the *univariate* statistics produced by plugins.
.. By default, any file that is an outlier in any statistic is flagged as
.. potentially anomalous.
To reiterate, the BDQC executable *framework* does not touch
files itself. All file analysis is carried out by plugins,
several of which are included in but, nonetheless, distinct from the
A plugin is simply a Python module with several required and optional
elements shown in the example below.
.. code-block:: python
DEPENDENCIES = ['bdqc.builtin.extrinsic','some.other.plugin']
def process( filename, dependencies_results ):
# Whatever processing is required to compute the values
# x, [3,"ABC",5.532], and "yes", returned below.
return {'a_statistic':x, 'another_result':[3,"ABC",5.532],
'a_final_result':"yes" }
As shown in the example:
1. Every plugin *must* provide a list called DEPENDENCIES (which may be empty).
Each dependency is a fully-qualified Python package name.
2. Every plugin *must* provide a two-argument function called process.
3. The process function *must* return a Python dict or None.
4. The VERSION number is optional. If it is present:
a. it is included in output results
b. it must be convertable to an integer (using int())
c. it is used by the framework to decide whether to *re* run a plugin
5. The returned dict *may* contain anything, but see below.
These requirements do not limit what a plugin can *do*.
They merely define a *packaging* that allows the plugin to be hosted
by the framework. In particular, a plugin may invoke compiled code (e.g.
C or Fortran) and/or use arbitrary 3rd party libraries using standard
Python mechanisms.
Although a plugin *may* return effectively anything (containable in a
dict), the framework (currently) ignores in its final analysis non-scalar
values. Only scalar-valued statistics (quantitative, ordinal or
categorical) are incorporated in the cross-file analysis.
Moreover, while a plugin is free to return multiple statistics,
the `Unix philosophy`_ of "Do one thing and do it well" suggests it
*should* return only one. This promotes unit-testability of plugins,
and is the motivation behind the plugin architecture.
.. Requiring all file analysis to reside in plugins insures maximum
.. extensibility. Moreover, this architecture is intended to motivate quality
.. coding and maximize reuse. A plugin should ideally perform a single
.. well-defined analysis, making it simple to unit test.
There is no provision for passing arguments to plugins from the framework
itself. Environment variables can be used when a plugin must be
parameterized. [#]_
Developers are advised to look at the source code of any of the built-in
plugins for examples of how to write their own. The bdqc.builtin.extrinsic
is a very simple plugin; bdqc.builtin.tabular is much more complex and
demonstrates how to use C code.
The BDQC software package includes several built-in plugins so that it is
useful "out of the box." These plugins provide very general purpose analyses
and assume *nothing* about the files they analyze.
Although their output is demonstrably useful on its own, the built-in plugins
may be viewed as a means to "bootstrap" more specific (more domain-aware)
.. warning:: Unfinished.
.. warning:: Unfinished.
.. warning:: Unfinished.
.. Framework execution
.. ###################
.. After parsing command line arguments the framework (bdqc.scan):
.. 1. builds a list *P* of all candidate plugins
.. 2. identifies an ordering of plugins that respects all declared dependencies
.. 3. builds a list *F* of files to be (potentially) analyzed
.. 4. for each file *f* in *F*, for each plugin *p* in *P* it runs *p* on *f* *if it needs to be run*.
.. The files to be analyzed as well as the set of candidate plugins are
.. controlled by multiple command line options. See online help.
.. These steps always happen.
.. Aggregate analysis--that is, analysis of the plugins' analyses--is
.. carried out if and only if a file is specified (with the {\tt --accum}
.. option) to contain the plugins' results.
.. Whether a plugin is actually run on a file depends on global options,
.. the existence of earlier analysis results, the modification time of
.. the file and the version (if present) of the plugin.
.. A plugin is run on a file:
.. 1. if the --clobber flag is included in the command line; this forces (re)run and preempts all other considerations.
.. 2. if no results from the current plugin exist for the file.
.. 3. if results exist but their modification time is older than the file.
.. 4. if any of the plugin's dependencies were (re)run.
.. 5. when the plugin version is (present and) newer (greater) than the version that produced existing results.
.. [#] `Alan Kay`_
.. [#] The BDQC *package* includes several "built-in" plugins which insure
it is useful "out of the box." Though they are build-in, they are
nonetheless plugins.
.. [#] And "visible" to the BDQC framework by virtue of PYTHONPATH.
.. [#] One use for set-valued returns is passing arguments to a "downstream"
(depenendent) plugin.}
.. Collected external URLS
.. _Python3:
.. _`Unix philosophy`:
.. _`Alan Kay`:
.. _JSON:
.. Because it is intended to be be ``domain blind'' the analysis of a file
.. proceeds heuristally.
.. using a series of heuristics and
.. produces a single file summarizing the analysis (in JSON format).
.. Files can be specified in several ways including lists of directory trees
.. to be search recursively or manifests. Additionally filters can be specified
.. to refine the search.
.. Extractors
.. all first-level scalars are taken by default +
.. any others specified
.. Quantitative model-based (Gaussian) outlier detection
.. Categorical
.. unanimity
.. conditional unanimity
.. Ordinal
.. any missing value
.. Set-valued
.. identity
.. Scalar
.. Quantitative
.. robust outlier detection.
.. Categorical.
.. predefined rules
.. if >N% of values are identical, all should be
.. alert to any non-unanimity
.. Ordinal
.. essentially preclude outliers
.. Multi-valued
.. Quantitative
.. categorical values
.. all
.. Table analysis can be decomposed into
.. 0. an upstream configuration requirement
.. "all categorical data to accumulate up to 23 labels (to capture chromosome)"
.. 1. an extraction problem
.. "pull */tabledata/columns/labels out of all files' .bdqc"
.. 2. an analysis
.. All sets should be identical
......@@ -431,6 +431,21 @@ class MetaAnalysis(object):
This reloads (as needed) cached vectors and analyzes in the following
1. Verify no missing data exists. Missing data suggests structural
differences existed between the files and further comparison
is probably unwarranted--that is, at least some of the files
*are* fundamentally different.
2. Each column is unambiguously typed. That is, each column contains
elements that are unamibuously one of the following:
A. scalars
i. floating-point values
ii. integer values
iii. string values
B. sets of strings
C. arbitrary dimension matrix of one scalar type
3. Configured heuristics are applied to all columns. In particular,
columns that are "matched" by rule selectors are tested by the
associated rules.
missing_data = [ v.missing_data() for v in self.cache.values() ]
if any(missing_data):
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